One challenge I currently face is the difficulty of conveying various contents/instructions nonverbally during courses I offer at a women’s shelter. Many women there speak little or no German. Most exercises can be communicated on a nonverbal level, allowing the women to experience the benefits of the exercises despite the language barrier.
In general, I demonstrate the exercises first, explain the processes, and then encourage the women to replicate the movements. Occasionally, a woman may struggle to follow verbal instructions, and I face the challenge of supporting her when she is not performing the exercise correctly. My own doubts arise here: Can I physically touch a woman (hands-on) to guide her, such as adjusting her arm to be higher or lower, or encouraging her to bend her knee more (in yoga asanas)? I feel that I am treading a fine line because I do not know the women's individual histories and cannot be sure if it is okay to touch them in order to assist. My intention is to use touch as a means to help them achieve the correct posture without triggering or emotionally harming them. In my one-on-one sessions and previous courses, I’ve asked participants if supportive touch is welcome, and if not, they could indicate with a small gesture. This approach has worked well so far, and rarely has anyone objected. However, there are individuals for whom this is an issue, and it is crucial to ask as a precaution.
By doing so, we demonstrate, "I respect you, your body, and your decisions."
I find it challenging to establish this agreement nonverbally. How do I explain what I mean and ask if it’s okay? I’ve noticed that some yoga instructors are very reserved, avoiding any touch to prevent triggering anyone, though this carries the risk of someone injuring themselves if the exercise is done incorrectly. Personally, I appreciate it when instructors notice me and advise me to straighten my back or relax my shoulders.
So, what is the solution to this challenge? The question of whether physical touch is welcome must be asked (even nonverbally). My first attempts at this were probably a bit confusing and humorous, and I am grateful to the women who helped translate this question into their native languages.
As a seminar leader, what I want to express is:
The decision is yours.
I respect your decision.
Touch is meant as support.